Here's how to take a virtual ride at home on the coasters and attractions of Canada's Wonderland

If you’re self-isolating or stuck with the kids at home and looking for something exciting to do, we thought we’d offer up the rides at Canada’s Wonderland and bring the amusement park to you!
You can take a virtual ride on 16 coasters, 11 thrill rides and seven family rides with our first-person ‘point-of-view’ (POV) videos on Youtube. The kids will love that they can experience some of the grown-up rides virtually, even though they may not, technically, be tall enough to ride in person. Or maybe you can convince your non-ride-loving significant other to give it a try!
Here’s how to set up your virtual ride:
- Open up your web browser to head to Youtube or open the Youtube app on your TV.
- Place a couple of chairs in front (two by two works best) and have a seat! Some parents with little kids use laundry baskets. Please exercise caution if you're holding it.
- Go to the Canada’s Wonderland channel (find this through the search function)
- Go to our ‘Playlists’ and choose either Roller Coaster POVs, Thrill Ride POVs or Family Ride POVs.
- Choose your ride, and hit play!
- If you have a VR headset, load the video up on your phone or gaming system to enjoy an even more immersive ride experience!
Below are just some of the ride POVs available.
Yukon Striker
Timberwolf Falls
Video your kids riding the rides and share to social - we’d love to see! Have fun, stay safe and healthy everyone!